News / Saint Stephen King of Hungary Feast Day
Saturday, 2014. July. 26. 14:13Saint Stephen King of Hungary Feast Day and the Parish's 80th anniversary
We cordially invite you, your family, and friends to our parish's 80th anniversary and to celebrate Saint Stephen’s Feast Day. Mass is at 11:00AM on August 24th, 2014.
The Mass will be followed by lunch. Lunch: $30.00 adult, $8.00 child (age 5-11).
Since the lunch will be catered, we cannot guarantee lunch only to those who send their reservation form and a check to St. Stephen King of Hungary Church by August 20th, 2014.
For more information please call Mrs. Ilona Mócsán at 773-736-9156, Mrs. Szabó Teréz at 773-262-5841 Mrs. Katona Marika at 773-334-1555, the Church Office 773-486-1896 or write to
Please extend this information to your friends so we can celebrate together!